Monday, November 26, 2007

The Unnatural

As Protag mentioned earlier he and I went out this past Friday. What he failed to mention was that the very forward Sarah saw him standing in the middle of a very crowded bar and beckoned him over to talk to her. Protag walked in, relaxed, felt confident and was immediately snatched up by a gorgeous woman who was very cool. That is the end game. To be so badass and confident that people will go out of their way to talk to you. Work beckons.

1 comment:

Jon said...

I hope it doesn't seem like Protag and I are fellating each other here. I was just so impressed by his natural ability to draw women in I thought I'd comment on it and hopefully try to understand it more.

In any case I'd be more than excited to go out with any C3 members who happen to be in the Yay Area.