Monday, July 16, 2007

The 30 Day Challenge - Explained

Fucking blogger erased my first explanation. Maybe a sign from the gods? I will ignore it anyway.

I've been thinking about what the point of the 30 Day Challenge is. I think at the end of the day, it's just a way to get rid of the EXCUSES that CONSUME everyday life. Here's a short list of the many that I go through every day:

1) Too Tired (unless I'm falling asleep at work and fully cafeinated, this should not apply).
2) Just need to "relax" (what is wrong with you? what's more relaxing than a post-coital cuddle? thought so.)
3) Too much work (but you don't really DO any work. And you need deadlines anyway. Why not fuck around until they come?)
4) Better timing later (yeah. it would suck to have fun while i'm still young. and besides, the good timing never actually comes, so this is idiotic.)
5) Not "me" (so highschool i am embarrassed to write this. the central tenet the puas spend their lives destroying. thank god.)
6) Procrastination (a more difficult problem... i think i have some sort of disease.)
7) Lots of little stuff (umm... who CARES how clean your room is? or that you're wearing clean boxers, or whatever. Can't you do that when there's not something AWESOME going on?)

etc, etc.

You see the point. I think the 30 Day Challenge is about a) realizing what you want, b) forcing yourself to overcome the little rationalizations that stop EVERYBODY from getting what they want. Seriously. Do you think ANYONE wants to live in a routine, doing the same stuff, cuddling with their girlfriends/boyfriends, unless they are totally exhausted the "newness" and TRULY need a recharge? Don't think so. There's just lots, and lots, and lots of excuses.

Why do you people always drunk dial? They want to HANG OUT and SOCIALIZE and do something cool, but when they're sober they're like, "I forgot the million and one reasons I shouldn't call." But are they GOOD REASONS? Not usually.

I think everyone's got their own version of the 30 Day Challenge, but the common element is this: instead of spending each day thinking about why something you want isn't "convenient" today; it's about DESPARATELY FINDING A WAY to do something despite inconvenience. Because if you don't, you're a big chode. And C3 will be testament to your chodeness. And I will send the link to your mother.

Rock out dudes. My take on my 30 day experiment coming up... although i'm too tired to write it tonight.




Prof said...

Oh my biggest and best excuses are saved for one particular thing:


Can I please send that? Pretty please?? Like tomorrow? You guys all keep me honest. Will send it from work. I need to pursue something i love, asap.

And stop masturbating!

Adam said...

Oh and by the way... you can add the RSS feed to this blog to your igoogle home page. So cool.

Jon said...

I draw the line on the clean boxer thing. That's a valid concern.

Prof said...

and no, i haven't emailed my professor yet. tomorrow for sure. seriously. no happy hour for me unless i do.