Tuesday, July 31, 2007

It's already broughten

News from the Left Coast. Protag and I have joined a book-club. My friend had recently joined and informed us of the quality of fellow members. Protag and I thought this sounded good and now we're reading "The Fountainhead." If my status of guybrarian doesn't impress the crowd my diorama will.

Tonight my book-club mentor and I went to a book reading. We're really not this nerdy. It was standard fare, populated by her friend and family a dorky mutton chop clad Johnny6. However, there was a slight twist. As I was waiting in line to get my book autographed I had my picture taken. Apparently they were taking everybody's picture and asking them their favorite thing. Johnny6: Cemeteries. (Myself might have been to vain an answer.) Some of these might end up on the author's website. So I'm chatting with the camera girl and decide that maybe I should take a picture of her. G: Sun dresses. And I realize it was nice to talk to somebody new and joke around she seemed genuinely cool. Although it ended there she has a picture to remember me and I have affirmation that the 30 Day Challenge is a chance to expand experiences like this.
The author was very polite when I got my book signed. Not very interested in talking but I gave it a shot Protag.

So the upshot I might end up on a website, no doubt a modeling career will follow.

Next week William Gibson's reading. I might try hitting on him too.

Also as I was going to lunch today I ran into a girl who I often see around and occasionally have fleeting conversations with. When I asked her where she was headed she responded "I have a meeting soon. Maybe we can get lunch tomorrow." Of course I agreed, whether this happens or not we'll see. I was shocked that she misinterpreted my question of destination as asking for a lunch date. Not sure how this will play out. But I'm taking it as a sign that she's interested in me and wanted me to ask her out. Downshot she's smarter than me. Kind of a deal-breaker


Prof said...

she brings the smarts, you bring the party. either one alone is like one-breasted woman. No matter how great the boob... you get the picture.

and girls with lots of smarts NEED party-guys EVEN MORE than normal girls. just don't scare her away with your lawless lifestyle.

Prof said...

btw, did you take her lunch? what happened? did she ask you to do any advanced geometry proofs?