Monday, July 16, 2007

The Revelations of Johnny6

I guess I'm the only member yet to be unveiled. Tardy is the new punctual, very hard to pull off on a blog. So I'll jump in.

I'll admit to being a little scared of the challenge,but I'm willing to give it the old college try. My trepidations lie in all the excuses previously outlined by Prof. Despite the fact that he so eloquently and logically debunked them these reasons still linger. But I've also been confounded by what to do. As often the case action is inversely proportional to options. I've started asking others what they would do if the challenge were posed to them. Any ideas I have might still fall within my limitations of imagination, so to get the most out of this I'm open to ideas. I've been phrasing it "what would you do if you had 30 days to live?" The people I've asked have no good answers. So far I've gotten; shorten my life, hang out with family, and rack up credit card debt. Are people so dull that even their dreams are boring? For most of us that's an average Monday. Braving a commute, smoking a cigarette, and paying rent fulfill all those requirements.

I've found my own answers to those questions to be more expansive and in some cases grandiose, the parameters of the challenge limit some of these ideas. And some of my ideas are as banal as somebodies Monday. I guess it's all relative. I was frightened to learn that some of my answers to this question were my biggest secrets, the lives I dream about while starring off into space at work. I doubt I will lie on my deathbed lamenting partaking in life or this challenge, unless this has a murderous stipulation I'm unaware of. Now that I know what I want do I dare to achieve it?

1 comment:

Prof said...

the more i think about your post, protags, and my last one... the more i think what everyone wants is to be, seem, and believe they are worthy of whatever they want. at the end of the day, perhaps they are not of some things. That's fine.

But what eats away at people (i.e. me?) is the feeling that they ARE worthy, or COULD be worthy, but for some reasons don't believe in the moment or can't convey it in the moment. It's that life--not simply the life where those things are out of reach--that hurts the most.

I believe God will punish us for each woman that wants to talk with us but that we don't talk to; for each person that wants to engage but we shyly avoid them; each goal that isn't believed in or worked toward; etc., etc. God hates that shit, and I do too.

When's the challenge starting for you?