Thursday, February 4, 2010

No my friend.

No. The dream never dies.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Is the dream dead?

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Unnatural

As Protag mentioned earlier he and I went out this past Friday. What he failed to mention was that the very forward Sarah saw him standing in the middle of a very crowded bar and beckoned him over to talk to her. Protag walked in, relaxed, felt confident and was immediately snatched up by a gorgeous woman who was very cool. That is the end game. To be so badass and confident that people will go out of their way to talk to you. Work beckons.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

jonnys so money and he doesn't even know it

So me and johnny6 went out tonight and it was fucking awesome. I don't think I'll ever be that smooth at approaching. What I learned (from jonny) was don't be afraid to approach and girls are out at the bar to get laid. Case in point, game over game over. Now when to call the very forward sara?

Thursday, November 8, 2007

This is from a conversation I had with Protag this morning. I was going to edit it but I think I'll post as is (typos and all). I'd should also mention that the amoging done by my friends only helped and added a new challenge to my evening so I harbor no ill will towards them.

so M and i went to a book reading last night we had to piss so we duck into a bar and take a shot to so we don't feel bad about using the restroom
immediately we start talking to the girl next to us and hang out for about five minutes
then we leave, but after the reading we go back to the bar and she's still there
so M sends a drink down to her
(your move), we were waiting to smile crookedly but she ended up coming over
so we're talking mike's trying to run game straight from the book on her and she's not buying
so i get her sitting down at a table next to me and we start talking but the whole time A and M are amoging me
they had made a bet with the other bar patrons about who was going to close me or them
anyway they eventually get tired of standing there like idiots and leave, i opt to stay behind she has two full beers so i start drinking one
(p.s. you should save this and post it on c3)
anyway we talk turns out she has a boyfriend, but i can't tell it she's living with him or not
but we part ways and i invite her to A's party on Friday so she writes my number down, but when i ask for hers she says her phone is being changed over from michingan to sf because she just moved
but i've already seen her on it so i get a side hug and leave
Do you think she'll call?

me: dude that's awesome!
Yes I do think she'll call
or at least text

Also the reading was poorly attended but was enlivened by a stoned M sitting in the back laughing hysterically
There was also a girl who sat front and center and seemed eerily enamored with the author
When she got her book signed he said "To whom should I inscribe it" Her reply "pick a name for me, who do I look like to you"
His weary retort, "I'm not playing this game"
Anyway we ran around the Haight drunk until 11 and now I'm exhausted
A felt up some homeless lady
She wanted him too

Monday, November 5, 2007

Keep Changing - Best Thread Ever


Even though we're fucking around, I assume we're all headed somewhere too. In the middle of a transformation of sorts.

And even though becoming irresistable with the ladies is NOT the major goal in life, it's maybe the most interesting one for now. (Speaking of becoming irresistable: I just saw about 15 minutes of "Gossip Girl" and now I basically want to live like a rich prep school student in New York.)

So here's your inspiration: the best thread ever. Register and log-on to see some of the photos.



Tuesday, October 30, 2007

SB, God, PUAs

You know on how Google Earth you can get a whole new perspective on where you live or where you grew up? Looking at it from the heights above, appreciating its inherent beauty from a godlike position?

Well here's SB from the PUA perspective. Protag, what did I say about positivity?

"We walk inside the club and.. all the girls are screaming to be penetrated and made into little sluts. They are little slut robots waiting for the correct program.

"KY is nothing like this. Maybe it's why my game got so developed. KY is southern prudes who enjoy being hard to get more than anything else- I'm sure it is just a cultural thing. I walked into this Santa Barbara place and all the girls are clearly communicating that they are looking to be made into toys for my dick. Gawdamn

"I am in a candy store. I see a three-set and just open them hard. They all start talking excitedly and spread their slut feathers. They're all cute but there's no way I'm already settling in for the night. I tell them I'll be back. One girlie tries to make out with me. I casually look away and start talking about something else. I look back at her- she tries to make out with me again. She doesn't seem the type- I think her programming just tells her it is time now. I pull her face to the side and give her a kiss on her cheek."

It gets better. But I try to keep this blog PG-13.

Oh and the club? It was Q's. =)

Read the whole "field report" here. . The guy is something of a god in the RSD community. Manwhore. What an awesome name. I should make a shirt that says "We are all manwhore."

Right after I buy this one.


Monday, October 29, 2007

IKTMIT - Intro

Hey all-

Know I've been quiet over here. Took a trip back home last week, and as soon as I left the city I immediately had a flood of mini-epiphanies. It was crazy. And I wrote them down, in pieces in my journal but thought I'd put them here over the next few days so that a) I won't forget them, and b) maybe relate to your life. At least give you a chance to laugh at my mistakes...

IKTMIT: I know this much is true. Always wanted to write a small list of these "never forget" things, and that's what C3 is about, right? Or just sharing stories of getting laid (hmmm... a certain paucity of laid stories... protag???.... should work on that.)

Listening to "The Last Resort" by the Eagles as I email a lovely lady asking for her address to come over tonight. Life is not bad.


Sunday, October 28, 2007

Halloween... sucks?

Man, a lot of negative posts lately. Maybe it's because I'm re-trapped in paradise?

I went out tonight for halloween weekend with some friends. All of whom are in couples. Literally 4 couples and me. I don't mean to be so lame but launching from that is, well, difficult.

Everyone's like "Let's go dance!". And instantly, it's a bunch of twosomes dancing together.

Swiftly the night ends with people wanting to go home, to their comfy lived-in apartments where I'm sure they'll (in some cases, anyway) have sex and fall asleep. Or maybe not. Maybe at that point sex is saved for the early nights.

Either way it both makes me want to be in a relationship, any relationship AND be sooooooooo glad I'm single at the same time. What's the deal with that? Where are the women of quality, of class?

Certainly not here. Or at least not out at "Wildcat" on saturday night.

At some point during the night I essentially gave up and just kind of stood by a go-go dancer watching everything. Immediately I had a group of cat girls sidling up to me. I suppose that was an oppurtunity, but again there's some quality that's missing. An elegance, or, I dunno.

Anyway, standing by myself seemed by far the best move. Besides the cat girls, I had nurses taking my picture, school girls rubbing past closer than necessary...

But I still couldn't bring myself to make a move. I don't even know if I wanted to. The possible rejection would be devastating. Though it seems like it doesn't have to be.

I hope that someday flying absolutely solo I'll have as much confidence as the pimpinest playa. But for now, I'm not there.

I need a crew. A crew that is not couples who make me feel wistful. Where are all the good-time singles? Where's the 80s?

I need a crew of guys/girls who are ready for anything. Who, after I've been horribly shot down by a beautiful woman, will make fun of her with me. And who will not let me settle for anything less than an 8.

Maybe I'm not there yet, but I'm just about ready. Ready for action, ready for a better life. Ready to be single for the first time in, I dunno, 7 years.

I hope you guys are in the city in two months. Because then it is ON (like donkey kong).

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Breaking up suuuuuuuuuuuucks

Well, clearly I haven't been posting on here for a while. And maybe not so clearly, it's out of embarrassment.

I'm single, right? I should have a sweet life right now and be partying and bettering myself and all that shit right?

So why am I, instead, depressed? I'm like that dude from Swingers in the beginning of the movie. Except less angry. And hopefully better looking.

I'll freely admit that I've thought A LOT about getting back together with her. Not to the point of acting upon it. But its definitely crossed my mind. The girl who it took me like 2 years to break up with. Who all my friends think is crazy. And for whom I had a million reasons why we shouldn't be together.

One thing I'm realizing with all this is the power of photos. Photos are like this amazing memory-eraser. I look back at all the photos of Angela and I, which unfortunately comprise pretty much my entire collection of photos for the past 3 years, and we look awesome. Our life looks awesome. We look happy. And when I look at these photos, the good times are all I can remember.

Anyway, I guess there's nothing new here. It's the classic post-breakup from so many Hollywood films. But for me this is the first time its really sucked this bad.

From now on I'm keeping my old break up tactic. Tried and true:

Leave the country.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

What Prof's Been Up To

Hey all-

There have been three major events in prof's life in the last three or so weeks.

1) My wonderful laptop finally refused to work. At all. Like I need to find someone on Craig's list to get the stuff off my hard drive broken. This has been a large impediment to my c3 posting, among other things. But now I'm rocking the Apple thing and life is better than ever.

2) I've decided to leave my job. Soon. Although the details still need to be worked out (as in, I don't have another job lined up), and I am eager to spend some time in my metropolis without THIS job, and eager to move back to the West coast to join my family and friends. You know who you are (sorry Maverick).

3) My on-and-off girlfriend of the last year and a half cheated on me. And I found out because of a picture posted on the internet.

I'll let that sink in.

Just want to send a shout out to my friends and siblings (not that they will EVER read this =) for being there for me, etc. It's weird; when I broke up with her (the day I found out), I just kept repeating: "It's so low-class." I didn't mean it in an economic way at all--it was just incredibly lacking in integrity, decency, and all that good stuff. And I'm thankful for everyone in my life that is not like that--my high-class friends and family. And I hope I spend the rest of my life setting an example and spreading the *true* high-class life. A buddy of mine has a facebook quotation that says something like, "i've seen beauty and we shouldn't settle for less."

And I guess that's the good coming out of this. It's a re-evaluation, with my job, of the good and beautiful and true and what it means to me.

Which doesn't mean I'm above getting drunk and funky, plow some shit tests and rock it in the bedroom (or kitchen, or street, or whatever.) But it does mean that I'll do it to my standards.

Alright all. Other posts await.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My buddy and I were at Popeye's Chicken on Sunday and the girl working the counter gave me free popcorn chicken. I still got it guys. This smile's deadly to foul.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Do you guys know anything about Russian brides? I'm interested.

Friday, August 31, 2007


I wish I had gotten to this post whilst it was fresher in my mind. But no matter.

Tuesday night Johnny6 and I cruised out to a hip little club to see Mickey Avalon and his backup crew, Dirt Nasty and Andre Legacy.

Dirt Nasty is pretty facking nasty. Plus he looks like a rapper version of Pauli Shore, which is pretty sweet.

The show was awesome, and the place was craaaawwwling with beautiful women. This was pretty intimidating to me, being my first day back in the field. Johnny6 was trying to stoke my confidence, telling me I'm a natural and pointing out girls to try one of his brilliant lines on. Seriously Mr 6, I will pay you in drinks to write my material.

The encouragement finally paid off, and I go the balls to go ask a group of 3 girls (the hottest ones there, I might add) if they'd like me to take a picture of them with the plastic-corset clad group of psycho-hipsters they were eyeing warily.

AND... I got shot down. They didn't even look at me. Just shook their heads and said no. Total cold shoulder.

But the strange thing was, it felt GREAT. I didn't care that I got shot down because I acted spontaneously and talked to them. And the were HOT!

Beginning to overcome my fear of women I'm attracted to was a huge rush. And even though I was rejected, I got a big confidence boost from just knowing I have the cajones to approach girls like that.

My lesson learned: Always approach the hot ones. Even if I get shot down, I'm on top of the world.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Baby I'm BACK

That's right, as of tonight, I've escaped paradise and I'm back in The City. Back in my pimpin bachelor pad in which I used to live with my ex-girlfriend. Back and single and ready to storm the town!!

So far, feels a bit lonely... But other than that I am truly excited!!

But Prof, back with the ex-girlfriend? After everything you told me??

Well, I'm sure you know what you're doing. You are the Prof, after all.

As for me, this week I'm going to try to make my pimpin' pad actually pimpin. And tuesday night, it's time for johnny6 and I to do the Jane Fonda (more like this). Or rather, have it done to us.

Now that dude looks like a PUA.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

My Favorites: Reading is Like Going Out

This goes out to expatpua. You all remember him? Well he's back, and with a vengeance. He asked me what to read on this whole "game" thing, and I thought I'd collect it all here, just for the hell of it.

As with everything, your mileage may vary. But here's my best stuff....

THE LEGEND: The Game by Neil Strauss. You don't need to read it five times like me. But it's a good way to understand the self-development backbone behind all of this stuff, and meet some of the most important people in the "pick up" (bad word, but whatever) world: Mystery, Style, Tyler Durden, Jlaix, and Juggler, among others.

THE PHILOSOPHY: The Community FAQ. The ASF group put together a FAQ that gives insight into the very strange but powerful philosophy behind the PU community. An excellent, excellent start. Read it everyday or something.

THE CLASSICS: Alt.Seduction.Fast Archives, by Mystery, Tyler Durden, Jlaix, Juggler, and others. This is the most useful, fascinating, and most sheer joyful reading that you can do. This is everything that was written before anybody went commercial, anyone wrote any books about it, and basically it was all about a bunch of guys helping one another--with girls and beyond.

I HIGHLY suggest them, in roughly this order:

- Mystery. Read his first post and you'll understand why he's the true the godfather of the PU movement--even if he looks like a homeless man and makes questionable statements (like the purpose of life is to survive and replicate. Seriously.)

- Tyler Durden. The kid genius. He was a philosophy student when he started posting, and reading through his posts is informative, entertaining, and totally terrifying. He was truly obsessed, and deeply intelligent. His company has since taken a much more natural and "deep-seated change" attitude towards development, but early on he was just an analytical monster. And an incredibly effective writer. Props. (But still crazy.)

- Juggler. I just like him. He's the most "be yourself" of the gurus, and opposite of tyler druden in pretty much every possible way. Very short but powerful collection. More of his stuff is below.

- Jlaix. Saving the best for last. Read his entire collection from start to finish. He's actually somewhat psychotic, and it only makes his posts more fascinating. On top of that, he changes drastically over time, and there's even a STORY ARC in the second half. I used to read it from 12:00am-1:00am on worknights, because I didn't want to go to work the next day (hmmm... still don't) and it was a total rush.

Others: Zan. I actually haven't read his collection, but he's like Juggler in that he seems like a truly good and cool person. David Shade. Learn how to "stack orgasms"!!! The sex god of the PUA community. (As opposed to me, who's only advice is to always use at least two fingers.) Toecutter. A very smart Australian guy that Tyler Durden absolutely loves; both are very analytical and generally amoral. (Also good to read if you tend to think Australian guys are really cool.)

Others to check out: MrSex4uNYC, TokyoPUA, ManiacHigh. The old guard--classic stuff that shaped everyone above.

THE CURRENT LEADER: Real Social Dynamics. Weirdly enough, it turns out the "villian" from the book has created the best blog, forums, and free stuff on the web. Read with a critical eye, but he's evolved into a total "lifestyle/true personality" kind of guy. Best stuff:

- Tyler Durden's Blog. This seems like the best place to admit I've had TWO dreams about meeting Tyler. His blog entries are pretty phenomenal. Start here and here for a taste.

- RSD Forum. An extremely active forum, with some great guys posting. It's also a great place to see what's wrong with the "community": guys that have posted 300 times and then write, "I've gotten two numbers in the last year...". Scary.

But the good guys are great: read everything by Danny Ocean--start here. Manwhore, 10Pin, and Tyler are great too. Here's another great thread to start with by terminator.

- Tyler Durden LIVE. There's a 2 hour audio clip of TD being TD. It's both informative and humorous. Remember, the man is insane.

THE GOOD GUY: Juggler. I love this guy. But I agree with Style that in some ways he's not really a PUA--he doesn't have the deep-seated dissatisfaction with himself or obsessive analytic approach that others have. He's more just a charming person who think a lot about people in general. He's a standup comedian as well, so that helps. His company is called "Charisma Arts," and there are some clips of him juggling, talking to guys, and of his show "Seduction School" made for the BBC. Finally, he also wrote a book called "How to Become a Pick Up Artist" that is GREAT. Hit me if you're interested--but be sure to pay for it if you like it. As I said, I love this guy.

Finaly.... THE INSPIRATION: "Tribute to Sarging" by Loverboy. Made by one of the original group of PUAs, this video captures the "espirit de corps" (and the heartache often behind it) better than anything I've ever read. And everyone knows watching's easier than reading. Enjoy.

You all benefit from my job hunting procrastination, but it's been a fun trip down memory lane. Post your favorites, and let me know what you think...

p.s. Thanks to this random guy for the pua pictures... lots of fun, especially back before everyone was out in the open.. Here's my favorite for your enjoyment: STYLE AND MYSTERY! Starring the snake skin suit from The Game.

The X Factor

I'll keep this one short. This is just some Protag and others can laugh at me and say, "I told you so."

My ex and I spent a wonderful evening together. And night. And morning.

And in the middle of the night, I told her: "Last time we did this, it nearly killed me because you and me were still being with other people. While we figure out what's going on between us this time, can we just put a moratorium on other people?"

Two days later she said yes.

So I'm hanging out with my ex, she's hanging out with me, and neither of us is hanging out with anyone else.

Is that like being back together?



Fast Times in Prof's Life

Been away a while. What's up everyone.

Life has been pretty up and down lately. The up included spending Saturday night with an amazing girl (you should see her dance), that I'd feel a little weird writing much about it. Let's just say:

a) Keep checking up on my emotions. Life's gotten easier since I started thinking in terms of "how would I feel if...." in my head. I imagine lots of bad and good things in the moment, and make sure that I emotionally and realistically could deal with them well. In the case girls, I try to ensure that I WOULD NOT CARE (MUCH) if a girl likes me or not. Reacting too much when they like you= low value, and reacting too much if she doesn't = desperation.

As I said, she's was an amazing dancer, and I just kept on telling myself, "If she keeps dancing with me cool! If not, whatever, I'll dance with [other girl]." That emotionally freed me up... and she kept coming back to me (but only after dancing with a random guy for what felt like an hour. Can we say shit test?)

b) Be a gentleman. I unfortunately became a little "pushy," and a little hard on girls over the last few months. Which is weird--the last thing I want to do is pressure any girl to do anything, really. Not my style. (As opposed to my friend who lives by the "just the tip" strategy. Disturbing.) But twice in a row I found myself being pushy in bed, and it creating a bad situation whether or not it "worked."

And on top of it, I started giving very few genuine compliments. I spent a lot of time joking around, showing little concrete interest, and so on. But recently I just started being much more direct, once the girls deserved it (actually based on how they treated me rather than what I think they would like hear, etc.) Not only did it feel better, but it made the interactions much deeper. So on Saturday night, after dancing for awhile, I just told her, "That was great. I want to see you again. Plans tonight?", etc. Felt like what a quality guy would do.

And in bed, she said, "not tonight" and I said, "Then we definitely won't." Removing the negative emotions, and accepting what's there felt GREAT. (And you can guess what happened.)

But there's been downs as well. My job is going nowhere fast, and I need to make some pretty remarkable changes to stay on top of things there. Don't know if I'll be able to, to be honest. But that's for another post.

And then there's the ex-girlfriend...

Friday, August 24, 2007

Don't be a Stu

I think everybody needs to watch the "Tao of Steve." I highly recommend this film. Prof. it's no "Roger Dodger" but worthy of a viewing.